CLS speaks to e-Forex about the issues facing FX market participants

5 min read
30 July 2024

As the industry navigates the complexities of an evolving FX settlement risk landscape, we speak to e-forex about some of the key challenges facing market participants and what can be done to better manage FX settlement risk.

Industry views: What can be done to increase the appeal and adoption of PvP settlement mechanisms.
CEO, Marc Bayle de Jessé offers valuable insights into some of the barriers to adopting PvP settlement and CLS’s efforts to tackle them whilst driving market efficiency.
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Service spotlight: Casting light on the critical role of CLSSettlement and CLSNet
Lisa Danino-Lewis highlights the benefits of CLSSettlement and CLSNet for market participants and key growth drivers.
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Commentary & Perspectives: Gauging the extent of the problem
In this article, Chief Growth Officer, Lisa Danino-Lewis shares her insights into the extent of settlement risk and CLS’s approach to tackling it.
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The promise of new technology and prospects for the future
Dirk Bullmann shares his views on the role of new technology in the FX industry, focusing on how central bank digital currencies could impact the FX market and CLS.
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First published in, July 2024.


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