Shortening the settlement cycle in the European Union T+1

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Directorate-General Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA) is organising a roundtable on shortening the settlement cycle in the European Union.

The aim of the roundtable is to foster a debate on the introduction of a shorter settlement cycle in the EU and will focus on three topics:

• The opportunities that a shorter settlement cycle could bring
• The international dimension of moving to a shorter settlement cycle
• How a smooth transition to a shorter settlement cycle in the EU could be organised

CLS0030 Website Commitee Images Resized Marc Bayle De Jesse̚

Marc Bayle de Jessé

Chief Executive Officer

Marc Bayle de Jessé will join the debate on the introduction of a shorter settlement cycle in the EU.


Paulina Dejmek Hack,
Director, DG FISMA

Isabelle Drinkuth,
Head of Capital Markets Legal Department, Amundi
Sachin Mohindra,
Executive Director, Goldman Sachs
Matt Lee,
Andrew Douglas,
Deputy Chair of the UK Task Force on accelerated settlement
Lieve Mostrey,
CEO, Euroclear

Thursday, 25 January 2024
15:55 - 16:45 (CET)


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