Support your MiFID II and other regulatory reporting obligations with our end-of-day FX matched instructions report.
Regulation such as MiFID II has introduced a broad range of changes to data and reporting obligations for post-trade transparency. In addition to the public reporting of trades (price and volume), obligations now extend to all financial instruments and asset classes with increased data field requirements.
CLSReporting is an end-of-day FX matched instructions report that provides an enhanced view of your overall FX trade activity. Data required for reporting under MiFID II, such as legal entity identifiers (LEIs) for counterparties and funds, execution timestamps, product identifier (spot, forward or swap) and execution venues, will be available in each report, allowing our clients to address their transactional reporting requirements more effectively. In addition, the report enables originators and counterparties to efficiently exchange their trade details.
average daily trade volume
access to global FX traded volumes (swap, spot, outright forward), in the market for the 18 currencies CLS settles across 33 currency pairs
Using CLS products and services plays an integral part in helping you comply with the FX Global Code.