FX Outstanding

FX outstanding data offers insights into forward-looking net positions by capturing outstanding forward and swap trades across market participants to provide insights into market dynamics.

Our FX outstanding dataset is available for swap and outright forward FX instruments to provide increased visibility into cash flow and directional positioning to add market color and support pre- and post-trade analysis.

FX Outstanding improves:

  • Accuracy of trading signal
  • Precision of pre- and post-trade analysis

FX Outstanding reduces:

  • Trading risk
  • Transaction costs

Benefits of FX Outstanding

Gain a comprehensive edge in the FX market with improved market positioning monitoring and enhanced visibility of activity and flows across short-term and long-term horizons.

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CLS Award Data FX Markets Asia 2020

Largest single source of FX executed data

Our datasets include data based on over 3 billion trades executed since 2011.


CLSMarketData – largest single source of FX executed data

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